Friday, November 13, 2009


Ghetto:3 women now missing seperate stories .Two 20 yr olds one 28 yr. old.LAST ONE SEEn with two men riding in car .Dumb wanting to have fun .Do you really know this man you just opened your legs to.Their are no rules on the streets or laws.Laws are only for those who abide not the ones who tell all the lies think of it is a business who wants your money that will tell you anything .The world is a violent crocked place.Wake up ass hole .Do we enable the bad to be better .If you look at polatics crime pays and bull shit gets votes .LOOK AT adam his pay was EVE WHAT IS YOURS .Snakes don't hide in trees .Hell they don't hide.Bitchs thinking their ass is a toy end up withy a HIV,STD toy to play with ......

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