Thursday, March 8, 2007

Death and 3 Little Girls

Sleep Brianna tomorrow will be a beautiful day
The morning will awaken your thoughts of play
Awake, awake, my daughter of 8
Laying there in puddles of blood
Shot Dead as she slept in her bed
Another drive-by
But crime is down the authorities will say

Destinee my daughter of 3
Turn the TV off, come in the kitchen
Help mother cook
You can read your new book
Rat a tat, rat a tat
Bumble bees fly, stingers of lead
Destinee lays on the floor dead
Another drive-by
We have new stadiums and casinos the politicians will say

Ajanee my daughter of 7
Get ready my daughter, get in the car
Don't worry were not going far
When we get back you can play with your friends
Them words in my mind over and over again
The bullets hitting the car
Ajanee slumped over laying dead
Awaken me in the night
No we didn't get to go far
World class city the mayor will say
From GV_Photos

Three little girls 8, 7, and 3 years old,
MURDERED by punks whose blood runs cold.
Brianna, Destinee, Ajanee released from this hells kitchen of a world.
Flowers which never had a chance to bloom,
called much to early to their tombs.
There is no beginning, there is no end.
Today we have all lost three little friends.

Love Jimmy j

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