Friday, May 27, 2011

Youth / Enjoy

Enjoyment of youth
It is fleeting /
Like a nose bleeding /
A mouse before a snakes eye's
Soon to be gone /
To have, Not so long /
A song will bring you back /
No longer a jumping Jack /
Always to remember that puppy love /
Heart to flutter , sight of the dove /
First love the best of all ,to young to know it all /
Oh ,Oh baby please call /
Enjoy it while you can /
Not to long to feel like a old tin can /
No worries , no frets /
But there can be regrets /
Learn , learn , learn /
It's your turn , turn , turn /
Don't give up your best /
There must be a test,test ,test /
youth , youth , youth /
If i had you back /
Before my dad
Had his first heart attack /
Hug the one's you love every day /
Remember these things i say / .......
Jimmy j

Play ghetto way

I sit my porch /
I watch children at play /
They are spitting at each other
Most of the day /
Hitting and cussing
Oh the crap they say /
Teaching each other a new word or two /
Acting out the ghetto fool /
Now the rock trowing starts /
Damn a ghetto art /
They are from 8 to 10 /
Five of them when their play began /
They all say they are bored /
But really they are ignored /
Soon they will grow older /
As adults they will become bolder /
Violence in the streets /
Where these children meet /
Soon , soon you will greet / ......
jimmy j

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


The beginning of time /
Of what use the dime /
To steal it a crime /
No job for it to come /
I snatch it and run /
Yes to buy a loaf of bread /
Yet this man shot me dead /
Not a dime, but a loaf of bread /...........
jimmy j

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cave Man

The cave man has never died /
Just put on clothes to better hide /
No longer riding on a Dinosaur's back /
He now drives a Cadillac /
He still does not shave his head /
Nor bathe when he goes to bed /
Got rid of the club /
shoots you instead /
Old now but still /
Rape's at will /
Hell ya gots
That Viagra pill /
Times have changed
But still the same /
All still insane /
( trying to have some fun with poetry, try it )
jimmy j

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A whore

I had a friend a whore /
Took herself to a higher level /
A whore no more /
Met up with her old friends /
A whore once again /

PS. People will knock you down drag you down push you down.
They want you at their asinine level notting wanting you to have
more just at ghetto level.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

mom and dad

Mom and Dad thoughts of you /
A life black and blue
In the car we sleep /
Deposit bottles we seek /
Ballony and crackers we eat /
I remember the day brother John
found the bookies stash /
in Chandler park we found that cash /
We moved into a house like normal man/
No more living from the garbage can /
I thank my mother and father for all of that /
It tokk me to this place my mind is at /
Yes it was bad ?
But i had all this love from one hell of a GOOD DAD /
For you it is who I'm
It is who i wish to be/
You live with in me /

Thank you my father Big Mike

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hard life for a father /
Who hears his childs tears /
The sum total of his fears /
Empty pockets , empty dreams /
Bed time inner screams /
No nickles and dimes for ice creams /
Eye's over flowing /
Watching his children growing /
Thunder storms of life /
Bullets and bombs the stars of the sky /
Power power lies /
Do they know what freedom is /
hell no they never asked the kids /
But father father /
But for a drink of water ///////
This for you who understand those of all lands.....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My son

I wake you for school /
so you will have tools /
not the Berra of fools /
you have grown more fond of fun /
I'm not having none /
Your crabby crabby crabby /
Not like your daddy daddy /
Your only 8 years old /
Why you wake up so cold /
Do i need to be more bold /
Wow that face would brake a mirror /
Of the i have no fear /
Damn you want me to have a beer /
Your just find when you get your way /
Hell i think that's everyday /
But my love gets in my way /
I love you my little one /
But i can see life ahead no fun ////
dedicated to my 8 year old BRAT but love what more can i say you are welcome to call me stupid on this one.....

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Poem

Poem a thought in the mind /
In hope others will find /
A real life story /
Often with no glory /
History being told /
So ,so damn cold /
What happened to the apple pie /
All one big lie /
Yor poem will be un-understood /
As you know it would /
But you got it out /
Thank you i shout /
I understand
A poem is like a far away land /
jimmy j

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


My phone rang three times /
Oh why , Oh why did i quit drinking beers /
That ghetto cry /
Nothing more than a self made lie /////

A true story put to poem of my morning ....ring ring ring another fucking ding a ling,.!?
jimmy j

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I had a poem i wanted to say/
Lost to my mind a minute this day /
My mind a travel /
A poem i can't unravel /
The mind a mystery /
Just look at History /
look at the bird in flight /
He may be the only right /
Fly fly my little frien /
In order for you to fly again /
Mother , Father i have thoughts of you /
A love of black and blue /
As i look at the sky /
A eagle flys by /
Thoughts of love will never die /
jimmy j 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011


I see hell/
very well/
it wears a facade /
pleasant to the eye /
yet children die /
Rats everywhere /
Two legged i swear /
Glocks instead of clocks /
Anarchy here there abounds /
Street fighting clowns /
Leed me to higher grounds /
I'm looking to oter space /
Will they too know of our disgrace /
Fork tongues all the same /
Mobocracy their game /
Yes i see hell very well ///////
jimmy j

Saturday, May 7, 2011


What is a poem /
That which comes from your home /
What is a home /
That which comes from your heart /
A place where the poem starts /
About that which surrounds /
Not about dancing clowns /
Life on the edge /
No trophies on a ledge /
Pain and sorrow /
Of yesterday,today and tomorrow /
Blood flowing everywhere /
A small poem to show you care /
A world where brains are scattered everywhere /
No matter of race or gender /
It's the poem you render /
People often only think of themselves /
Your poem turned to dust sitting on their shelves /
Matters not /
You got out your thoughts /////////
jimmy j'" Understanding is voluntary , Ignorance is a given " may the day belong to you...LOVE jimmy

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Smoldering Ambers

Smoldering Amber's/
Yesterday's cocktail tossing angers/
Street walking bugs/
Society's lugs/
Built in anger/
Too many gang bangers/
Bun Laden's dead/
But wheres the head/
Bin Laden just a name/
It was all that shit in his brain/
Alive and well /
Living in this /
Ghetto hell/
Here and there /
jimmy j

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Judge not

I will judge no man /
By what i say or do /
i will judge no man a fool/
For that there is no tools/
I will not judge by color /
Or anything other /
I will judge you only for you/
You are the maker of your dreams /
Or so it seems /
Many actions/
Are only reactions/
From those of others/
Lies and failed tries where children's cries/
Go unheard the facade of grace/
Yet all a disgrace/

Jimmy j