Friday, September 28, 2012


Know not who to trust /
Mouths spit out rust /
centuries old disgust /
Same old lust /

Put a man on a cross  /
You burned them here /
all a loss /
Man kinds cost  /

Mad men survive /
From their caves no longer hide /
you call it war /
I call a whore /

No one wins  /
Yet again again again
war now the Roman ARENA  /
Death till no breath /

Truth be told  /
All of old  /
Back from the dead /
Madness just same old bed /

Ghetto a word for everywhere /
A  nowhere land /
Line drawn in the sand /
because you can /

Iran , Iraq /
You both wrong /
Why does the world come along /
ghetto, ghetto , ghetto /
jimmy j

I'm but a simple but i have to wonder what your children learn over there .Where hate is at your dinner table.

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