Monday, August 27, 2012


Land of milk and honey /
Facade acting funny /
Guns and death /
Smell of a murders breath /

The protector or director /
Gun is your tool /
Who is the fool /
Drowning in the pool /

Gambling , drugs all legal /
No food for the Beagle /
No appeal /
Do you feel /
jimmy j

Had more to say , but their fighting next door , Free Drama in the land of milk and funnies ....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Play ground/hell

Playground in hell /
Flesh burning smell /
Murder in streets /
Repeat , repeat , repeat /

I too want my America back /
This one has been jacked /
Lost the apple /
Mommies and daddies getting high /

Children now try /
Me i cry /
The lie /
Why , why , why /

Mother fucker and nigger /
common words /
Now nouns and add verbs /
Mouth full of turds /

Eagle meant to fly /
Not get high /
again why /
Living a lie , don't even try /

With Love
jimmy j

Friday, August 24, 2012

foreign lands

Foreign lands  /
Of American hate /
Of what rate /
No debate /

You rap like us , talk like us , dress like us /
Of morals you are right /
look around you /
Words you too might have to bite /

We judge by beauty /
The pitch black of night /
To me a fright /
Oh where , oh where is the light /

fears all the same /
every country , every name /
Propaganda we all hear /
that's what i fear /
jimmy j

Much love getting trough all our days

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Love Flies

Love often flies in the wrong direction /
Visual attraction /
A mother's tear  /
A father's fear /

Fly , fly my dear /
seek seek and find /
True love yours and mine /
Two hearts , a gold mine /
jimmy j

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Human Race

Half of human race defective /
We stay unprotected /
My brother , my sister /
Stand back /
Don't get infected /
jimmy j

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Butcher Knife

Man takes families life /
A butcher knife /
4 yr. old /
Daddy , daddy NO

7 yr old /
Daddy no /
I love you daddy  /
No , no , no /

Wife why why why /
Just go , just go /
Butcher knife  /
again and again /

Another life /
A man kind sin /
Drop of a pin /
Mankind has evolved /
yet once again /

A true story of yesterday and a man , a white man in a upscale neighbor hood who murdered his two sons 4 and 7 and his wife with a Butcher knife . Go ahead and cry because I'm doing it now .We are but monetary fools at best . Pass my work on if you will . It is for truth to see ... We are safe no where , The world now wears two faces , look into mine..
Jimmy Janas

Friday, August 17, 2012


Why does this space mean so much /
Those in this square to dwell /
No place to go  /
A place like no other /
Neither of Consequence
Of one another /
It is neither Heaven nor Hell /
jimmy j

I wake this morning with great sadness , my porch now sits at the edge of space , I look down and see a planet , a angry place . I see a mistake Dogs should talk and the human race slitter like the snake.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Poetry is

Poetry is a poem /
A mind not empty , a home /
Life worth living /
Streets unforgiving /

A person , place , thing /
Not of all bling /
Words to learn /
Homes burn /

A poem is Sadness , happiness /
And yes gladness /
A jack in the box /
A surprise /

See the jack ass cries /
Elephants fly /
Dinosaurs talk /
Never left , took a walk /

A poem is of caves /
Yet too many graves /
Not two faced /
A truth well placed /

Poetry is .......
Jimmy j

Monday, August 13, 2012


Devil cast his spells /
Best of man dwells /
Poverty tells /
From the abyss /
To the mist /
A holy man not /
Wings of doves /
Words of love /
jimmy j

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Child,s play

A place to play /
Slides ans swings /
bells ringing ding a ling /
Here no one sings /

A meadow in the park /
Horses to feed /
Grass to hay /
Hide and seed /

City in need /
Why dirty deeds /
ghetto's way of meek , meek ,meek /
Poverty Peek .peek , peek /.....

Friday, August 10, 2012


Why does this space mean so much /
To those in this square to dwell /
With no place to go /
Is it a place like no other /
Neither of consequence /
Of one another /
It is neither Heaven nor hell /
jimmy j

i give you love this day

Thursday, August 9, 2012


It's OK to run /
Hide from the dumb /
Not wanting to meet /
This education they greet /

You , you from the street /
It's OK to hide /
But never run /
it is them who is dumb /

Not understanding your jest  /
To your way asinine to them at best /
Someday your knowledge  /
They will request /
jimmy j

Had this published in Europe a long time ago ..Matters not what people think of me , but that they look at the world and truly see , the universe is on the wrong path ...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


No poem on my mind /
No words i can find /
Disgusted with every kind /
A donkeys behind /

Human race on the boarder /
Out of order /
Bible to read /
Gun to bleed /

Dinosaur layed no seed /
No good word to heed /
Devils in the store /
World a ten cent whore /

Life you explore /
Open the door /
So much more /
Walk from the abyss of floor /
Stars to adore /
Not of human kind /
look look you will find /
jimmy j

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Who Won

One had a gun /
Many had none /
None would walk away /
Many would stay /
A funeral parlor to seek /
Who Won /
No ONE /
jimmy j

Modified to fit this situation,Now do you SEE what i have been saying for decades.Most don't read because most just don't care ... knock , knock knock on heavens door ..

Sunday, August 5, 2012

No God Here

Blood flowing in the sewer /
Street fight East Detroit /
High on what /
A mack truck /

Bar B Q on the block /
Party around the clock /
That drug smell blowing
Madness over flowing /

Your son wants to be like you /
A jack ass , a fool /
What stop the violence /
My block no silence /

Are we better off than four years ago /
No God here , hell no /
Preacher man's yelling
Breath smelling /

Preacher what you smoking /
No joking /
Power hungry pride /
Every one's wife your bride /

A little boy murdered , died /
No God here , why you hide /
A bomb dropped over the sand /
Promise land /

How many Gods to be /
Never one to see  /
Some one lied to me /
No Gods there , none i can find anywhere /
jimmy j

Friday, August 3, 2012


Never run or hide from the truth /
Profane is what you hear and see /
Never to be put in a safe word way /
Tell it as it is , it is your day /
No need to put it any other way /
You are the pimp , it is your pencil /
Not Christmas , no need for tinsel /
jimmy j

Love my way

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Snoop Lion

Boy to man /
Dogg to lion /
Let the lion roar /

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Shame a city in shame /
World wide game /
No brains , all lame /
Wanting everyone tame /

Governments built out of shit /
Foundations made of it /
Land of the free , land of the brave /
Another body bag , another grave /

We have come to far  /
Modern bombs and modern cars /
Children,s school's
Ghetto tools /

World has no class /
High price gas /
Who can afford /
Anarchy explored /

Governments explore legalized drugs /
You too the bugs /
Walk the streets /
Legal drug addicts to meet /

The bosses wanting glory /
A whores story /
Most don't vote /
Busy doing that legal tote /

Vote for that purple people eater /
Better than that black or white cheater /
Pockets your money acting funny /
Easter egg beater /
jimmy j