Thursday, October 6, 2011


School every day young and old /
Cold and bold /
Homeless and phone less /
Rich and broke /
Life no joke /
Money no money /
Phony , fake remake /
Who gets to ride the pony /
Driven by car or driven by mind /
What of today will you find /
Your walk to school /
Past crack houses and broken dreams /
That's not your future as it seems /
Past monuments of glory /
Mans big houses and dreams /
Screw that i just want a ice cream /
Bickering and fighting all the way /
a whores play /
We all wake to a different style /
But to all just a while /
Wake up put on your facade /
Where is the parade /
Life is a school ,we attend every day /
Suppose to be life , liberty , pursuit of happiness /
The American way /
the hell with that I say /
Should be every ones play /
i will soon wake my son take him to school /
i will sit there with him /
A invisible way /
He is me and I'm him /
awake to this poem i write today /
understand it i hope /
Don't take your journey /
Being a dope /
Think of what i say /
Rich or poor it is all our day /////
jimmy j

I write this poem with love in my heart , as i write this i watch my son sleep , soon i will take him to school , while we to mom and dad follow the school of life often cruel ...To every one in every land i give you my love use it today by smiling at stupidity that think they are above us ,because we lay not below .

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